
When implanted in a person's wrist, a TiMER counts down to the day the wearer finds true love. But Oona O'Leary faces the rare dilemma of a blank TiMER. Her soul mate - whoever and wherever he is - has yet to have a TiMER implanted. Staring down the barrel of thirty and tired of waiting for her would-be life partner to get off the dime, Oona breaks her own rules and falls for Mikey, a charming and inappropriately young supermarket clerk with a countdown of four months.

In the near future, people can put a timer on their wrist that counts down until they meet their soul mate, as long as that person also has a timer. Step-sisters Oona and Steph, nearly 30, are slaves to their timers: Steph's won't go off for years and Oona's is blank (her soul mate doesn't yet have one). Then Oona meets Mikey and Steph meets Ben. Mikey is younger than Oona, a bit Bohemian, his timer set to go off in four months: he likes Oona and invites her to go with the flow for a change. For his own reasons, Ben doesn't have a timer, but he likes Steph and it's mutual. In this scientific world, is there room for love - and would anyone know it if it stared them in the face?

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RATE.............. 7.2/10 (81,841 votes)
FiLES.................. 1
SiZE................... 896Mb
SOURCE................. NTSC
VIDEO CODEC............ XVID
VIDEO SiZE............. 608x272
VIDEO FRAMERATE........ 25.00fps 461Kbps
AUDIO CODEC............ Mp3 112Kbps